What is Lifestyle Photography?

Thank you for visiting Victoria Akbik Photography; a hobbyist lifestyle photographer.  My tagline is “Capturing moments to celebrate love, light & life…”, and quite simply, that’s what I aim to do.

But just what is ‘Lifestyle Photography’?

Lifestyle Photography | Abu Dhabi Lifestyle Family Photography » Victoria Akbik Photography

‘Lifestyle Photography’ is a modern style of photography that combines the best of two distinctly different traditions.  Lifestyle blends the candid nature of photo-journalism, with the more preparedness of studio portraiture, achieving ‘a day in the life’ look with editorial quality.

But true lifestyle photography is more than taking candid & fun shots…

It is about capturing images to reveal a story; a personality, a relationship, a feeling. It aims to capture and document real-life events, situations, or milestones in an artistic manner and find art in the everyday.

Telling a Visual Story:

The first goal of this art is to tell a story about people in their environment in a natural, energetic and authentic way. The images may resemble snapshots, but everything from the lighting to location and details are deliberately thought out to support a certain mood. There is some arranging involved but certainly never over-staged; because in lifestyle photography, if something looks too perfect it doesn’t come off as real.

Another strong emphasis of lifestyle photography is to naturally capture the love, reactions & interactions between its subjects. This energy is at the heart of what we all want to remember about our life, relationships and events at any given time, and is why I am drawn to this style.  I love to focus on the perfectly-imperfect aspects of family life and celebrate life & love…

Thank you for taking the time to visit my Website. If you enjoy my work, your Likes, Comments and Shares are ALWAYS welcome and very much appreciated! Don’t forget to check out more of my work on Instagram, my Facebook Page and my Pinterest Boards… And you can even follow me on Twitter!

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Hello, my name is Victoria and I am a hobbyist lifestyle photographer now based in my native Warwickshire, England.  For me, photography is an essential way to preserve priceless memories and freeze moments in life. Time is all too fleeting and before we know it, the years pass by and we look back and wonder where the time went. We can’t stop time, but maybe – if I had a superpower – that is what I’d wish for.  Our best chance is to document our lives so we have a window into our past that we can visit whenever we like. I find so much joy in using my skills to create priceless memories for myself & for others. It challenges my mind and breathes energy into my soul.  I celebrate freezing those moments to capture not only the big picture, but also the beautiful details and time-capsule minutiae, to celebrate the love and connections within family and kinship.


F a c e b o o k
B l o g
I n s t a g r a m
T w i t t e r