All the fun of Sports Day! | Abu Dhabi Lifestyle Family Photography

“For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be.”

– John Connolly, The Book of Lost Things

It was a true pleasure to witness my daughter’s school Sports Day… The whole year was abuzz; smiles & giggles in abundance, gritted-teeth & tongue-out determination all with total enthusiasm to compete – despite everyone being a winner at this age!  It’s at times like these that en masse, I realise these 5 & 6 years old are still so little, but growing up by the day in front of our very eyes.

I loved every minute of this event… Cheering on, as well as capturing all those split-second moments, which might have been missed – even by those present – but for my trusty big lens & fast shutter speed.  I almost had as much joy again editing & processing the photos on my computer.

I hope you enjoy a few of my photographic highlights…

Sports Day Team

Thrilled to be leading her Team…

Sports Day Class

Cheering for the whole Class

Sports Day Team

Anticipation at the start

Sports Day RacingSports Day Run

Sports DaySports DaySports Day funSports Day happy!Sports DaySports Day

Sports Day Cheers

Sports Day Cheers

Sports DaySports Day flying curlsSports DaySports DaySports Day

Sports DaySports DaySports DaySports DaySports Day

Sports DaySports DaySports DaySports DaySports DaySports Day

Sports DaySports DaySports DaySports DaySports DaySports Day

Sports Day

Happy after a brilliant morning!

Sports Day

Team hugs

Sports Day

Team camaraderie!

Sports Day

So proud of my girl…

Sports DaySports DayH00A4159-1-2

It was wonderful to see all the kids so heartily embrace the spirit of teamwork, competition & sports skills.  It is so worthwhile learning skills that can keep them happy & healthy for life!  And I bet that no-one needed rocking to sleep that night either!

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Hello, my name is Victoria and I am a lifestyle family photographer based in Abu Dhabi, UAE.  For me, Photography is an essential way to preserve priceless memories and freeze moments in life. Time is all too fleeting and before we know it, the years pass by and we look back and wonder where the time went. We can’t stop time, but maybe – if I had a super power – that is what I’d wish for.  Our best chance is to document our lives so we have a window into our past that we can visit whenever we like. I find so much joy in using my skills to create priceless memories for others. It challenges my mind and breathes energy into my soul.  I celebrate freezing those moments to capture not only the big picture, but also the beautiful details and time-capsule minutiae, to celebrate the love and connections within family and kinship.





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